Makeup Trick: Easy and quick cat eyes

So, this is my very own original cat eye trick. I started doing this a couple years ago when I didn’t have a lot of time getting ready for work. I also didn’t want to put on a lot of makeup on (I abhore those black streaks when I’m washing my face before bed), so I came up with a quick way where you actually wear less makeup and can still make a noticeable difference. All you need is your favorite mascara, and maybe some liner if you really want to do a little more. I never read anyone else doing it before, so I can go ahead and copyright it, k? K.

I noticed when I read makeup artists applying fake lashes, a lot of them would cut them and add only a short strip to the outer end of their clients lids. Taking the same idea,

1) Apply mascara on ONLY the outermost lashes. It will highlight only those lashes and will noticeably lift them from your other lashes.

2) If you want, add a little liner like you normally do (I applied a bit on my bottom inner lid).

That’s it! This way you don’t look like you’re wearing a lot (which you won’t be!), but it will still elongate your eyes. I took some not so flattering pictures of my right eye to show the difference (actually my cousin helped me with the first one, so that’s why I’m looking at the camera a little different in each pic). Please ignore undone brows, and BY THE WAY, if anyone told you it’s easy taking pictures of yourself, they’re lying.

top, before; bottom after
top, before; bottom after

Literally ALL I did above was just put mascara on the outer ends using the ‘Lashalot’ end of The Balm‘s dual-ended mascara, Two-Timer, and I think it actually looks like it changed the shape of my eye (sort of more catty, which is why I think it falls into the cat eye category).

I would just recommend that you don’t use mascara that has thick brushes, like Dior DiorShow Mascara ($24)— it makes it harder to get just those lashes. And again, this is very basic like I’m-running-out-the-door trick…you can totally build on this with eyeshadows, but I guess the point is to keep it minimal.

Givenchy Phenomen'Eyes, $28
Givenchy Phenomen'Eyes, $28

I’m dying to buy Givenchy Phenomen’Eyes Mascara ($28, right), which I think would be perfect for this little trick. That’s going to be my next investment.

So yeah, if you see anyone else do this, just say they’re doing the Shyema ;).

You got any other quick eyes tricks? Let me know if you try this one and what you think!



Recent Comments


  1. I love this–it does make a difference! I’m usually into heavier eye makeup, and forgo it completely if I wake up too late to do up my usual eyeliner/shadow/mascara, but I’m going to try this next time I only have a couple of minutes 🙂

    Posted 4.11.09
  2. shyema wrote:

    yeah totally try it and let me know!!! It’s always helped me when I only have time to apply and go!!

    Posted 4.12.09
  3. miral wrote:

    do you have any good eyeliner recs?

    Posted 4.15.09
  4. shyema wrote:

    yes yes, coming up v. soon!

    Posted 4.15.09
  5. Amelie wrote:

    Shyema — this is such a brilliant tip! I just tried it and it totally works. So good for the makeup challenged (like me)! -a

    Posted 4.22.09
  6. shyema wrote:

    Amelie!! so happy to hear..I realize it probably won’t work for everyone, but love success stories 🙂

    Posted 4.23.09

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