Beauty Tip of the Day: Treating Chapped Lips

· Get lip balms with moisturizing ingredients
: This includes petrolatum, shea butter, hyaluronic acid, and dimethicone which are all good at restoring moisture. The most important thing is to use a balm that’s viscous, not waxy, so ingredients penetrate fissures. If you have chronic chapping, look for a lip treatment that contains ceramides, which help restore the skin barrier.

· What to avoid
: Anyone with eczema should make sure her balm doesn’t contain lanolin. Since fragrance is the number one skin allergen, stay away from heavily scented or flavored balms; cinnamon can be particularly irritating. (Menthol actually soothes itching, though.)

Source: Allure


Recent Comments


  1. Ok, I discovered Aquaphor by Eucerin, and it’s the most amazing fix to chapped lips ever. I’m on Accutane for skin which completely dries out your skin and lips beyond control, and the dermatologist instructed me to use Aquaphor on my lips during this time. I think I’m going to just stick with it, because it’s so good. The main active ingredient is petrolatum. It’s also helping me with the cold weather at the moment. 🙂

    Posted 1.21.10
  2. shyema wrote:

    C.O. Bigelow still rocks my world — also has petrolatum!!!

    Posted 1.21.10

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