Breakfast idea: Baked Avocado and Eggs

I bled for this recipe. Literally, though. My friend Zeenat posted a picture of these baked avocado with eggs and I was salivating over them. I was so excited to make them for my roommates that as soon as I sliced the first avocado, I also promptly stabbed my finger when trying to get the pit out using this method (PS, I highly don’t recommend this if you’re a clutz like me. You know who you are).

Baked Avocado with Egg

I fell into a bit of a panic thinking I cut an artery from all the bleeding because that WOULD be the first thing I think. Thankfully I live with a nurse who showed me how I need to lay down with my hand elevated while putting pressure on the finger to stop the bleeding and bandaged it right up…in case you ever need to know. Needless to say, the first time was a super fail, and I’m a sorry excuse for a food blogger.

Not to be deterred though, I decided to try again today, mostly to ensure I don’t have an irrational fear of avocado pits. This recipe is super easy, and sort of made up so you can prepare them whichever way your heart desires, but this is what I did:

1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.

2. Slice avocados in half and removing the pits (without cutting any fingers), and scoop out a little more to make room for the egg.


2. Before placing the egg, I seasoned the avocado halves with salt, pepper, garlic salt, onion powder, and a little nutmeg.

3. I cracked an egg and realized only half of it fit in each half. I think you can either scoop more avocado out if you want to put a full egg, OR something I might try next time is to whip the egg with spices and just pour however much fits in each half. But yes, this time it ended up a yolk in one half, and egg whites in the other half.


4. Season a little more on top of the egg with pepper, salt and red chili.


5. I topped the egg with a shredded 4-cheese blend, and added a little more pepper and red chili (I was clearly afraid of the taste getting lost in all the layers).

6. Just for texture, I crumbled tortilla chips on top.


7. Place in a glass pan and bake for about 15-20 minutes or until cheese browns a bit on the corners.



The avocado comes out soft and the egg bakes inside with the melted cheese on top. It came out pretty good and was easy to eat with a fork and knife. I think I might find ways to add salsa or chopped tomato and onions in there next time. It’s a pretty healthy option depending on how much or little you add (the cheese and chips in this case made it a little less but wanted to try it a couple different ways this time).

WHILE we’re talking healthy recipes, for those of you who are fasting, you MUST sign up for The holistic website is a reservoir of healthy diet and fitness tips while you’re fasting, as well as suggestions to keep your spiritual health in tact. I signed up at the beginning of the month and the best part is you get an email every day with an easy-to-follow plan for your spiritual, diet, and exercise plan for the day. We’re at the half way mark in Ramadan so if you’re feeling the effects of daily pakoras and samosa, make sure you sign up today and change all that.

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  1. Sabrina wrote:

    My husband would love this! I’ll have to stare while he eats — I’m allergic to avocados 🙁 Glad your finger is okay!

    Posted 7.13.14
  2. shyema wrote:

    Allergic to avocados?? Saddest thing ever. Thanks! The finger is healing slowly but surely

    Posted 7.13.14

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