Makeup packing tips

Since you guys failed me miserably with packing tips (except you Jess and Anika..I see you!), I learned a couple things on this trip I wanted to share!

1) Divide and conquer. If you’re traveling with friends, you all don’t need your own tube of toothpaste and bronzers. Plan ahead of time so you don’t have to bring your whole makeup drawer (except mascara…it transfers bacteria way too easily).

2) Condense the important stuff. I was so sad thinking of leaving my Koh Gen Do finishing powder behind since the jar is massive. But I was able to find these little travel jars so it was easier to condense and carry. They shouldn’t be more than $0.99 at mass retailers. I found some here too! They’re also good to condense you favorite moisturizers.

Find smaller travel jars to transfer your favorite powders and creams
Find smaller travel jars to transfer your favorite powders and creams

3) Leave behind what you don’t need. You’re more likely going to be bringing back more than you came with, and I’m sure it won’t kill you to leave those half-empty bottles of shampoo or hairspray behind. Maybe somebody you’re visiting could make use of it!



Recent Comments


  1. Jess B. wrote:

    I like the divide and conquer…girls need to share more!

    Posted 5.27.09

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