Latest fragrance purchase: Lavanila Pure Vanilla


I can never get sick of experimenting with fragrances. Now that we’re well into spring, I wanted to buy something that smells fresh, but still rich. I’m obsessed with notes of vanilla (I always loved the smell of it when I bake or infused in candles), and I remember once I was invited by Mémoire Liquide Bespoke Perfumery to mix scents and create a personal fragrance oil (similar to my experience with Aromachology, but this was in the form of an oil). I decided to keep it simple, and asked for straight vanilla. It was full-bodied but not overpowering, and smelled so sweet. I savored every last drop in that little bottle, only lightly applying the heavenly smell to my wrists. I started looking for more vanilla-based scents. On a recent trip to Sephora, I found Lavanila Laboratories’ Pure Vanilla perfume.

Lavanila Laboratories Pure Vanilla perfume

It’s an all-natural fragrance (which means no phthalates, petrochemicals, mineral oils, synthetics, silicones, sulfates, or parabens!), that smells so fresh and spring-ey. I’ve had others complimenting it too — on a recent trip to a taping of the Martha Stewart Show, one of the PR girls who was chauffeuring my friend Archana and myself around the studio asked, “What is that wonderful smell?!” I couldn’t even smell it on myself, but I had spritzed Lavanila before going so I asked her if she’s possibly smelling vanilla…she grabbed my wrists and exclaimed, “Yes! That’s it!” It’s $39 for a small one fluid ounce bottle, but it’s infused with concentrated essential oil. Between this and Mémoire Liquide, I would say this one is not quite as dense in its aroma but you’ll be getting a little more for your money.

EARTH DAY NOTE: I also just read that Lavanila Laboratories is helping you be even more eco-friendly: In honor of Earth Day 2011, they’re undergoing a Help Lavanila Plant a Forest project. For each new “Like” on their Facebook page TODAY, April 22 (Earth Day), Lavanila will plant one tree through their long-time partnership with The Nature Conservancy. Not too shabby.

What’s your go-to spring fragrance?


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