I know what you’re thinking — celery?!
Truth be told, it’s doesn’t rank high on my list of my favorite vegetables or flavors. But the benefits of having a glass every morning may make you reconsider it (the way I have). Recently, my older brother and his wife introduced us to the world of celery juice. The research is astounding on how powerful of an anti-inflammatory it is. Essentially what is does is starves the unproductive bacteria and other bad things in your body (yeast, mold, fungus, and viruses) and flushes their toxins out of the intestinal tract and liver. Plus, it helps good bacteria thrive.
And it’s SO easy to make. Just use a juicer to juice 1-2 heads of celery and drink up! If you only have a blender like a Vitamix, you can also blend it in there and just strain it.
Some other benefits, all via the Medical Medium (which is also by the way a great IG account to follow):
* Consuming celery is the most powerful way to alkalize the gut…It also helps to raise your body’s pH and rid toxic acids from every crevice of your body, including your gut. This helps to cleanse and repair intestinal linings.
* It raises hydrochloric acid in the stomach so that food digests with ease. This helps prevent a range of gastrointestinal disorders. Adding celery juice to your diet is the best way to resolve ammonia permeability, an unrecognized condition in which ammonia gas seeps through the intestinal lining and causes health issues such as dental rot and brain fog.
* For the full effect, drink a full 16 ounces of fresh celery juice daily—and make sure it’s on an empty stomach to raise hydrochloric acid levels most efficiently. For dramatic results, drink two 16-ounce glasses of fresh celery juice a day.
* Use organic celery whenever possible. If using conventional celery, be sure to wash it especially well before juicing.
* If you find the taste of straight celery too strong, you can juice one cucumber and/or one apple with the celery.
Anyone else convinced to try?
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