Product Review: Tone Vino Moisture Body Wash

What’s your favorite body wash right now? Recently, I’ve been trying a few varieties from Tone. Not only do they have some pretty wonderful scents, their consistencies are denser than the average shower gels. I had previously been indulging in their Daily Detox White Clay & Pink Jasmine (it has the most soothing fragrance) until I was recently sent their Vino Moisture Body Wash, launching this month.

Tone Vino Moisture body wash

One reason I’m thankful for my lovely roommates is that they help dissect what they like (or don’t) about new beauty products with me. When I stuck this in shower, one of my roommates immediately began raving about how pretty it smells. I couldn’t agree more — it has fruit-based but not overpowering scent, and leaves my skin so soft. That can probably be credited to its moisturizing shea butter formula (note: my new obsession with shea butter to come in a future post) and conditioning Vitamin E. It’s one of the more affordable body washes on the market too (only $3.99). I may not drink wine, but kind of vino therapy is something I can get used to.

What’s your fave body wash right now?



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